Lids for Kids, Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs
Dr Anne Jennings from Yawaru Country and Editor of the Australian Journal of Community World shares these two community projects from her Kimberley-Broome Group.
It is called the Living Laudato Si' project in response the call by Pope Francis for all people of all faiths and none and all walks of life to act directly to care for our common home.
People save plastic lids and plastic bread tags and leave them in the jars at the back of the Broome Catholic Church.
Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs is a grass roots 100% volunteer project which collects bread tags which are recycled locally, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people, mainly in South Africa.
Lids for Kids Australia is a grass roots 100% volunteer project which collects plastic bottle lids from landfill to benefit the environment and repurposes them into sustainable recycled products that benefit kids.